LCCE Life Cycle Cost Estimate UC/IC Unified Command / Incident Command FRID Flood Risk Directory NARS National Archives and Records Service 2) Infectious Disease MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet 2) Environmental Response Team Your IP: AT/FP Antiterrorism & Force Protection WATS Wide Area Telecommunications Service NDEP National Digital Elevation Program DTAPPS Disposable Toxicological Agent Personal Protection System FHBM Flood Hazard Boundary Map 4) Assistance Officer UPC Universal Product Code MHWL Mean High Water Line TRADE Training Resources And Data Exchange DWR Department of Water Resources CTC 1) Conference and Training Center ICP 1) Incident Command Post FRS 1) Federal Reserve System CMF Case Management File NLETS National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission CSREES Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service Download Free PDF View PDF. DWT Dead Weight 2) National Crime Prevention Council SOS Status of Studies SCP Security Control Point BST Burn Specialty Team ISEMA Indiana State Emergency Management Agency 2) Computer Emergency Readiness Team MEPI Middle East Partnership Initiative DMSS Defense Medical Surveillance System 4) Congressional Affairs MWA Metropolitan Washington Area WSEL Water-Surface Elevation FADED GIANT Nuclear reactor radiological incident/ accident PCIS Partnership for Critical Infrastructure Security FLEX Federal or FEMA Leadership Exercise EIMA Emergency Information and Media Affairs EEO Equal Employment Opportunity SEI Software Engineering Institute U.S. Department of Homeland Security L Locality HVAC Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning AFMLS Asset Forfeiture & Money Laundering Section CCT Communications Coordination Team MASF Mobile Aeromedical Staging Facility UNCLAS Unclassified UMP Upward Mobility Program NLT No Later Than RAM 1) Radiological/Radioactive Material IAA Interagency Agreement 2) Point of Distribution AC 1) Alternating Current Rehab. 2) Airborne Exposure Limit IOC 1) Initial Operational Capability IMRD Information Management and Requirements Division FRSA Federal Railroad Safety Act GTA 1) Government Travel Account NMAS National Map Accuracy Standard FNARS FEMA National Radio System ACI 1) Advanced Contracting Initiative DEPER Deployed Personnel Report RHS Rural Housing Service BACM Business Alliance for Customs Modernization POD 1) Point of Departure AECM Aeromedical Evacuation Crew Members SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration BIDS Biological Integrated Detection System RDO 1) Radiological Defense Officer FCP 1) Field/Forward Command Post Medical abbreviations were made to quickly but accurately document. 2) Agency Claims Officer DHC Disaster Housing Checkwriter MARS 1) Military Affiliated Radio System 3) Public Assistance Officer NVMC National Vessel Movement Center GCO Grant Coordinating Officer 2) Customer Satisfaction Index NBSAC National Boating Safety Advisory Council ROD Record of Decision JTPA Job Training Partnership Act 2) Post Meridiem 2) Original Classification Authority PBDS Prototype Biological Detection System FBO Fixed Base Operator FAIH Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households LHD Local Health Department LODR Letter of Determination Review AIF Assistance Information Form CWN Call When Needed RAM-D Risk Assessment Methodology for Dams CRT Complex Rehab Technology. MSU 1) Management Support Unit 2) Emergency Action(s) 2) Financial Attack Center DWG Drawing (file) 2) Community Reuse Organization SIED Special Improvised Explosive Device EFP Emergency Feed Program FWS (U.S.) Fish and Wildlife Service 2) Flood Mitigation Assistance Program 2) National Infrastructure Advisory Council IRAC Interagency Radiological Assistance Committee Acronym Full Term Acronym Full Term Acronym Full Term; ACHP : . SWGDE Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence EM 1) Emergency Management (or Manager) 502 ( 5192) Federal Emergency Assistance FDO Flight Deck Officer IRZ Immediate Response Zone 2) Alternate Power CIAD Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs Division JTA Jacksonville Transportation Authority AL Applicant Liaison SWFL Stillwater Flood Level MHz Megahertz OER Office of Emergency Response ABO Agents of Biological Origin USACDRA United States Army Chemical Demilitarization and Remediation Activity MPPP Mortgage Portfolio Protection Program BAER Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (Team) NSAC Navigation Safety Advisory Council SARS 1) Security Activities Reporting System 3) Infrastructure Protection CNMI Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands CIDA Canadian International Development Agency GPL 1) General Population Level VISTA Volunteers In Service To America As a Physical Therapist, I have to be careful with the pt medical abbreviation because lowercase pt should mean patient, while upper case PT refers to . ACCS Accounting Classification Code Structure 2) Executive Office of the President MTR Military Training Route ESIC Earth Science Information Center MAST Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic TECS Treasury Enforcement Communications System 2) White Phosphorus ST-DOSE Source Term to Dose BWIC Biological Warning and Incident Characterization TransCAER Transportation Community Awareness Emergency Response ASIS American Society for Industrial Security RNAT Rapid Needs Assessment Team JTTF Joint Terrorism Task Force M/V Merchant Vessel 2) Medical Reserve Corps 4) Intensive Supervision Program PPFRP Prepared and Perishable Food Rescue Program DNA 1) Defense Nuclear Agency Technology, Homeland Security, Government. AML ARC Macro Language 2) Regional Operations Support Team VCU VOLAG Coordination Unit IRF Initial Response Force METSAT Meteorological Satellite NOS 1) National Ocean Survey COTHEN Customs Over-The-Horizon Enforcement Network 3) Emergency Management Division NSHS National Strategy for Homeland Security OEMP Office of Emergency Medical Preparedness To help you navigate the acronym waters, here are definitions for abbreviations you are most likely to encounter. Rate it: REHAB: REHABilitated. AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer LOMC-VALID Letter of Map Change Revalidation RSI Repetitive Stress Injury DSN Defense Switched Network TIAS Training Information Access System RAC 1) Reception and Care h (also hr) hour HSAC Homeland Security Advisory Council FAX Facsimile 2) Ground Infantry CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2) Army Materiel Command 2) Emergency Operations Software JNACC Joint Nuclear Accident Coordinating Center ICD 1) Improvised Chemical Device CME Chief Medical Examiner FWCA Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act DGN Design (File) ZONE V Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; coastal floods with velocity hazards (wave action); base flood elevations are not determined LTD Limited RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act DSCA Defense Support to Civil Authority PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 3) Digital Control System USAMRIID United States Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease 2) Explosives Trace Detector NFIC National Fire Information Council NSEC National Security Emergency Coordination FTSS Federal Training Support Staff 2) Society for Risk Analysis TRP Tactical Response Plan FEMA Acronyms Abbreviations and Terms Please direct requests for additional copies to: FEMA Publications (800) 480-2520 WHCA White House Communications Agency 410 ( 5177) Unemployment Benefit Assistance Cloudflare Ray ID: 78bb64ce4cedefce Inclusion recognizes terminology existence, not legitimacy. NCID National Center for Infectious Diseases LESO Law Enforcement Security Officer NPR National Partnership for Reinventing Government (formerly National Performance Review) ISAR Inspection Services Activity Report ACS 1) Adventist Community Services AMCCOM Armament Munitions and Chemical Command 2) Transportation Operating Agency(ies) ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations 2) Business Software Alliance AOR Area of Responsibility METAR Meteorological Aviation Report AERT Alaska Emergency Response Team 2) Assistant Director BGAD Blue Grass Army Depot HMIX Hazardous Materials Information Exchange IAO Individual Assistance Officer SOFA Status of Forces Agreement GCCS Global Command and Communications System HSS 1) Health Service Support VBIED Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device Your IP: kWh kilowatt hour 2) Remote Automated Weather System L-CAR Local Capability Assessment for Readiness ISO 1) Incident Support Organization ABF Automatic Broadcast Feed DFO Disaster Field Office LIDEF Levee Inventory Data Entry Form Call Now: 866.812.8231. ORM Other Regulated Materials DELO Deputy Environmental Liaison Officer JWID Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration IOS International Organization for Standardization CAA Clean Air Act CBP Customs and Border Protection, Bureau of (also called BCBP) KDEM 1) Kansas Department of Emergency Management CINCSOC Commander-inChief, Special Operations Command 2) National Funeral Directors Association ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection FRD Formerly Restricted Data ROWPU Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit 4) Crisis Action Team 2) Director's Executive Council SAS Secondary Antenna System 2) State Coordinator MW 1) megawatt NLRB National Labor Relations Board PH Public Health 2) Incendiary Explosive Device OLA Office of Legislative Affairs RS 1) Regional Summary DAT Digital Audio Tape SEMA State Emergency Management Agency DRSS Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards RECAT Residential Capability Assessment Team SDP 1) Secretarial Development Program Rad/Nuc Radiological/Nuclear WSSPC Western States Seismic Policy Council NFI National Flood Insurance ESA Endangered Species Act MTOE Modified Table of Organization and Equipment RDD Radiological Dispersion/Dispersal Device CRP 1) Conservation Reserve Program GS 1) General Schedule FFRDC Federally Funded Research & Development Center OPT Operations and Planning Team CRREL (US Army) Cold Region Research and Engineering Laboratory Looking for online definition of REHAB or what REHAB stands for? PRER Peacetime Radiological Emergency Response DSFO Deputy Senior FEMA Official Click to reveal SBC Southern Baptist Convention CADW Civil Air Defense Warning T-CAR Tribal Capability Assessment for Readiness RBCDS Rural Business and Cooperative Development Program FTP File Transfer Protocol DFA Direct Federal Assistance 405 ( 5171) Federal Facilities HALE High Altitude Long Endurance (see also MALE) PPI Preliminary (or Pre-) Placement Interview NSDD National Security Decision Directive INPHO Information Network for Public Health Officials 2) Per Diem TLC-E Territory Logistics Center- East 3) Credited Structures Inventory System JEEP Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan Light metal buildings are normally one-story, pre-engineered buildings sheathed with metal siding and roofing. FWP Federal Women's Program TWA Time Weighted Average CBET Computer Based Education and Training THA Temporary Housing Assistance OEM Office of Emergency Management RPT Radiation Protection Technician 2) Over-water Fetch (Line) RLE Run Length Encoding DTRIM Domestic Threat Reduction and Incident Management 3) Foreign Air Carrier PACOM U.S. Pacific Command FS 1) Feasibility Study 2) Medical Support Unit NASFM National Association of State Fire Marshals VOA Volunteers of America PHILIS Portable High-Throughput Integrated Laboratory Identification System DSCS Defense Satellite Communications System CTOC Containerized Tactical Operations Center UST Underground Storage Tank DEA 1) Data Exchange Agreement 2) Hazardous Materials ASST Assistant 2) Air Combat Command NAPA National Academy of Public Administration ESFLG Emergency Support Function Leaders Group TAG 1) Technology & Architecture Group MARAD Maritime Administration EDAC Economic Defense Advisory Committee CLS Central Locator System PADC Patch Authentication and Dissemination Capability. QTF Quantitative Temperature Forecast RRWG Reward and Recognition Working Group MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act IDLH Immediate Danger to Life and/or Health 2) Intense Hurricane ACAP 1) Agency-wide Corrective Action Program FF Firefighter CFIVSAC Commercial Fishing Industry Vessel Safety Advisory Committee For more information and training on nationwide recognized acronyms and terms go to the National Response Framework website. B-NICE Biological, Nuclear, Incendiary, Chemical, or Explosive 2) Technical Assistance Contractor 2) Disaster Emergency Services DDE Dynamic Data Exchange DPAS Defense Priorities and Allocations System IAIP Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection [DHS Directorate] DPP 1) Disaster Processing Procedures VITA Volunteers In Technical Assistance DAC 1) Disaster Application/Assistance Center SITREP Situation Report AChE Acetylcholinesterase 8) Corrective Action Program 2) Counternarcotics Office/Officer DCS 1) Defense Communications System BPM Basic Property Management 2) Nuclear Detection System GFM 1) Generic Financial Module (NEMIS) 2) Congregate Care OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration SERL Special Events Readiness Level (see below) FCC 1) Federal Communications Commission 2) Crime Scene Unit 2) Hydrologic and Hydraulic (Analyses) ODS Operation Desert Safeguard ASTS Aeromedical Staging Squadron TPS Temporary Protected Status CFSI Congressional Fire Services Institute 2) General Population Limit PT Part-Time JTF-CS Joint Task Force - Civil Support EMNPP Emergency Management and National Preparedness Program OCPM Office of Crisis Planning and Management Medical Charting Symbols And Definitions. IMINT Imagery Intelligence 2) Chief of Field Operations EOF 1) Emergency Operations/Operating Facility 423 ( 5189a) Appeals of Assistance Decisions TNT Trinitrotoluene NWC National Warning Center PSAMS Personnel Security Activity Management System 3) Post Office PARADE Prevention, Advocacy, Resources and Data Exchange 2) National Guard Bureau BALV Best Available Lodging Value 3) Disaster Mitigation Act BOR Bureau of Reclamation AOA Aviation Operations Area SOPEP Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan LOC-TFCS Letter of Credit - Treasury Financial Communications System 4) Enterprise Architecture LCT Liaison Coordination Team LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory NTC-MW National Teleregistration Center at Mount Weather 2) Government Transportation Request CBI 1) Chandler Burning Index AMID Air and Marine Interdiction Division GFIP Group Flood Insurance Policy MRP 1) Machine readable passport PEF Progress Energy Florida yr year BMC Bomb Management Center CRWRC Christian Reformed World Relief Committee ARSR Air Route Surveillance Radar JICPAC Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific JACE Joint Assessment of Catastrophic Events AM 1) Amplitude Modulation PLC Pacific Logistics Center R.I.C.E quickly treats pain and swelling after an acute (sudden) soft tissue injury such as a sprain or strain, a minor bone injury, or a sports injury. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. ITV In-Transit Visibility NETC National Emergency Training Center Medical, Technology, Accounting. TWD Tropical Weather Discussion RAMPREP Remedial Action Management Program Report EMERS Emergency Management Exercise Reporting System SOSC State On-Scene Coordinator 2) Area Not Included TAES Tactical Aeromedical Evacuation System 501 ( 5191) Procedure for Declaration CFA 1) Cognizant Federal Agency 2) Army Corps of Engineers 2) Smithsonian Institute CABIN Chemical and Biological Information Network NAC/AEGL National Advisory Committee on Acute Exposure Guidelines Levels (for Chemical Substances) CSEPP Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program 2) Disaster Response Force EFAP Emergency Feed Assistance Program NNSA National Nuclear Security Administration BASIS Biological Aerosol Sentry and Information System 2) Joint ICE Center ARA Aircraft Rental Agreement ANI 1) American Nuclear Insurers 2) Computer Numerical Control CMV Commercial Motor Vehicle
. HSC 1) Health Service Command IPSCOM Imagery Policy and Security Committee NPP Nuclear Power Plant ZONE V1 to V30 Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; coastal floods with velocity hazards (wave action); base flood elevations are determined COSO Chief of Staff Office/Operations DRL Derived Response Levels HPAC Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability RADEF Radiological Defense CONOPS Concept of Operations AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials WTC World Trade Center (obsolete) APE Area of Potential Effect 2) Computer-Aided Instruction 3) Association of American Railroads PFO Principal Federal Official SMCC System Management Control Center HCO Human Capital Office 3) Cluster Bomb RADIAC Radioactivity Detection, Indication, and Computation CAO 1) Caribbean Area Office NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications JFACC Joint Force Air Component Commander ESDP Engineering Study Data Package LR-BSDS Long Range Biological Standoff Detection System BY Budget Year HWR Heavy Water Reactor OAA Older Americans Act UF6 Uranium Hexafluroide 415 ( 5182) Legal Services NHC National Hurricane Center DEC 1) DCI Environmental Center HHSEOC Health and Human Services Emergency Operations Center 2) Training Management Team LEVEL 2 EST Intermediate EST activation level (NRCC) 2) Regional Health Administrator PS Program Support ACSM American Congress of Surveying and Mapping 312 ( 5155) Duplication of Benefits NESEC Northeast States Emergency Consortium U.S. Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency . NCO Non-Commissioned Officer TWVP (see TWOV) DUNS Data Universal Numbering System DCE 1) Defense Coordinating Element IIS [Microsoft] Internet Information Server PSI 1) Pounds (of pressure) per Square Inch NWP Neighborhood Watch Program (see NW) FECC Federal Emergency Communications Coordinator See Also: Medical Show details. MLW Mean Low Water DART 1) Daily Advisories/Risk and Threat TIOC Transportation Information Operations Center SID Station Identifier RCAC Red Cross Assistance Center CTD 1) Concept and Technology Development Intelligence Fusion (Integrator) Governmental Military. SPG 1) Senior Policy Group Abbreviations are shortened forms for written words or phrases used in a place of the whole (e.g., vol for volume). 2) Donation Coordination Center NCSRM National Communications Systems Regional Manager CISD Critical Incident Stress Debriefing POV Personal/Privately Owned Vehicle MarshMALLOW Marsh Management Activities for Learning the Lifestyles of Wildlife 2) Disaster Summary 2) International Energy Agency CPI Consumer Price Index LHR Limited Home Repair CART 1) Computer Analysis and Response Team CIMRT Critical Incident Management Response Team CNSC Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission BPD Blast-Protective Design UMCD Umatilla Chemical Depot [email protected]@^9: dqBajMC!qD4@nEV7Jpd)n(0!Ahb(u >V@j*!J*`9 30#h Ahd0-)V1f(`(40{7B#eF 9sPDV/GtIb86HxcDl& PSTA Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (Florida) TSWG Technical Support Working Group ERT-A Emergency Response Team - Advance Element 5) Purchase Officer USACBDC United States Army Chemical and Biological Defense Command CPC Climate Prediction Center FARS Financial Accounting and Reporting System FPS Federal Protective Service AWS Alternate Work Schedule STU-III Secure Telephone Unit - Third Generation FASSE Federal Agency Support Service Element 5) Mission Control Center SHSAS State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy UCT 1) Universal Coordinated Time USTA United States Telecom Association DIAO Deputy Individual Assistance Officer NOGA Notice of Grant Award CCSL Command and Control Simulation Lab There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. WARNO Warning Order JATS Joint Air Transportation System KCCO Kansas City Commodity Office ARC American Red Cross (also RC) [ESF-6] JDCC Joint Data Coordination Center ISIP Initial Strategy Implementation Plan USMS United States Marshals Service CEC Chief Exercise Controller DEO Detention Enforcement Officer 2) Regional Assistance Committee 2) Request for Public Assistance JHEC Joint Hazard Evaluation Center LOU Limited Official Use 2) Unified Command Team EACT Emergency Action and Coordination Team RAIC Resident Agent in Charge XEDO Xedar Heat Detection Unit ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network NI No Insurance 3) Customer Satisfaction Unit BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (aka, "Mad Cow Disease") SVIS Secure Video System MD 1) Management Directive ATP Assistive Technology Professional. GIL Grant-In-Lieu NAMRI Naval Medical Research Institute 419 ( 5186) Emergency Public Transportation UVI Ultraviolet Index OCLUS Outside the Continental Limits of the United States TRO Transient Accommodations Only STCC Standard Transportation Commodity Code RDBMS Relational Database Management System LS 1) Logistics Support ULO Unliquidated Obligation OVC Office for Victims of Crime INPO Institute for Nuclear Power Operations IFALPA International Federation of Airline Pilots Association CW 1) Chemical Warfare/Weapons MEAG Major Emergency Action Guide FDL Forensic Documents Laboratory USCG United States Coast Guard EMT 1) Emergency Management Team S 1) Staging Area DEPSEC Deputy Secretary "Rehabilitation." WGI Within-Grade Increase 2) Personal Protective Equipment 3) Professional Excellence Program 2) Port Security Assessment PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PR Public Relations ASAC Aviation Security Advisory Committee 3) Civil Emergency Preparedness FIAB Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board 2) Domestic Emergency Preparedness TTIC Terrorism/Terrorist Threat Integration Center DAEO Designated Agency Ethics Officer VOLAG Voluntary Agency The list of 104 Rehab acronyms and abbreviations (December 2022): 50 Categories. ESF 14 Long-term Community Recovery and Mitigation CCG Crisis Coordination Group PPG Program Planning Guidance APIS 1) Administrative and Program Information System 2) Wideband CIA Central Intelligence Agency MIC 1) Media Information Center 2) Congregate Care Center DHCD Department of Housing and Community Development 3) American Chemistry Council ULN Unit Line Number(s) GLWRM Great Lakes Wave Runup Model ERT 1) Emergency Response Team 2) Navigation Processor IRBM Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile CGD Coast Guard District UHF Ultra High Frequency GAO General Accounting Office NACS NEMIS Access Control System HMMWV Highly Mobile Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle NW Neighborhood Watch RAP 1) Radiological Assistance Program ISABP International South Atlantic Buoy Program CEI Critical Elements of Information ITSH Internal Transport, Storage, and Handling 2) Notice to Appear HOTMAC High Order Turbulence Model for Atmospheric Circulation OGAT Official Government Acceptance Test ISTS Institute for Security Technology Studies 2) Thomasville, Georgia JTRB Joint Telecommunications Resources Board CAS 1) Chemical Abstract Service SCSEP Senior Citizen Service Employment Program 622 ( 5197a) Security Regulations 2) Agency Confirmation Report CCC 1) Commodity Credit Corporation BLM Bureau of Land Management RFC River Forecast Center RDOS Real-Time Disk Operating System 2) Regional Field Office NS/EPC National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications, Committee for ASTI Airport Security Technology Integration HAG Highest Adjacent Ground [grade] EIIP Emergency Information Infrastructure Partnership NFSCC National Fire Science Curriculum Committee 3) Community Relations Service IHP Individuals and Households Program 2) Joint Technical Operations Team BZPP Buffer Zone Protection Plan GLPAC Great Lakes Pilotage Advisory Committee CORS Continuously Operating Reference Station(s) 2) Secure Telephone Unit CDX Control and Direction Exercise 2) Regional Director's Office LOI 1) Letter of Intent XDA Existing Data Study NAI North American Initiative CR 1) Claims Representative MGMT Management BIT 1) Building Inventory Tool For example, the Physical Therapy abbreviation SBA (stand by assist) or CGA (contact guard assist) are common PT medical abbreviations. NAIIA National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters GI 1) Geographic Information 2) Tactical Operations Center PNE Peaceful Nuclear Explosion 5) Exterior Orientation (Parameter) FRCM FEMA Regional Communications Manager Rehabilitation (Center, Hospital, &c) Medical. RA 1) Risk Assessment CADD Computer-Assisted Drafting and Design NTMS National Telecommunications Management Structure 2) Domestic Imagery Requirement HAZMIT Hazard Mitigation FPI Floodplain Information Report HOH Head Of Household FSIS Food Safety and Inspection Service FTO Foreign Terrorist Organizations 2) Crisis Response Cell PIN Personal Identification Number RAMPID Remedial Action Management Program Issue Database NAPI National Arson Prevention Initiative PBRB Program Budget Review Board LRIP Low Rate Initial Production FIRM-DLG Flood Insurance Rate Map-Digital Line Graph LE Law Enforcement SITSTAT Situation Status JFO Joint Field Office DAR Designated Agency Representative LANDSAT Land Satellite RON Remain Overnight AFGP Assistance for Firefighters Grant Program FECA Federal Employees Compensation Act LBAD Lexington Blue Grass Army Depot 2) Federal Reserve Note MACA Military Assistance to Civil Authorities 3) Department of Corrections 3) Radiological Monitor IIPO Information Integration Program Office 322 ( 5165) Mitigation Planning MWEAC Mt Weather Emergency Assistance Center IFPA Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc. RSP Regular Services Program CBD Chemical and Biological Defense IRC 1) International Residential Code NEIC National Earthquake Information Center DOH Department of Health NPL National Priorities List EIA Electronic Industries Alliance ALCE Airlift Control Element mR/h milliRoentgen per hour NSDI National Spatial Data Infrastructure IATA International Air Transport Association NIH National Institutes of Health NEMIS National Emergency Management Information System ERT-N National Emergency Response Team USPIS United States Postal Inspection Service EPD Electronic Personnel Dosimeter EMWIN Emergency Managers Weather Information Network NOPR Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Having prior experience in emergency or critical care environments; A higher comfort level working with vents/trachs/PICC lines, etc. LIBSYS Library System CPPS Certified Professional Property Specialist ESF 11 Agriculture and Natural Resources OMTPE Office of Mission to Planet Earth CRZ Contamination Reduction Zone MRC 1) Management Review Council SPR Special Problem Report APSS Automated Personnel Security System TRT Tactical Response Team ACE 1) American Council on Education 3) Coordination and Planning SCG Security Classification Guide SCC Secretary's Command Center OJCS Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff RRIS Rapid Response Information System 3) Equal Rights Abbreviations IPE 1) Integrated Performance Evaluation TEEX Texas Engineering Extension Service SMHA State Mental Health Agency 2) Northeastern Area T&E Threatened and Endangered 2) Officer in Charge 3) Area of Operations LRMP Long Range Management Plan MOOTW Military Operations Other Than War TPO 1) Technical Program(s) Officer CEO Chief Executive Officer IEC 1) InterExchange Carrier 2) Foundation Data AGC 1) Advanced Gas Centrifuge AFB Air Force Base Note: Acronym Finder has 10 verified definitions for FEMA Search for FEMA in Online Dictionary Encyclopedia 3) Extent of Play FE Functional Exercise USGS-DLG United States Geological Survey Digital Line Graph (Format) 2) Travel Management Center NDPO National Domestic Preparedness Office ACF 1) Administration for Children and Families 3) Operations or Operational Support Center 2) Community Disaster Loan MSPB Merit Systems Protection Board 2) Nebraska Emergency Management Agency JAC Joint Advisory Committee NFIRS National Fire Incident Reporting System TSP 1) Telecommunications Service Priority 3) International Trade Commission BDA Battle Damage Assessment UOC USACE Operations Center EMSSA Emergency Medical Services System Act DTE Disaster Temporary Employee(s) 2) Small Business Administration AOSSP Aircraft Operator Standard Security Program NWR National Weather Radio RWA Reimbursable Work Authorization ATH Air-Transportable Hospital LOG Logistics TEL Transporter-Erector-Launcher GWA Government Wide Accounting BTU British Thermal Unit NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking PAC 1) Political Action Committee NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization 2) After action Review Your IP: DSCO Deputy State Coordinating Officer CSIL Commercial Satellite Imagery Library FMAGP Fire Management Assistance Grants (or Grant Program) We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Each zone reflects the severity or type of potential flooding in the area. MEDEVAC Medical Evacuation OPAC On-Line Payments and Collection 3) Department of the Army LEPPC Local Emergency Prevention and Preparedness Council 2) Traffic Management Specialist A comprehensive recovery acronym list full of treatment acronyms and rehab acronyms to help understand the language of addiction professionals. CSIRT Computer Security Incident Response Team 2) Public Law (also abbreviated as P.L.) YLD 1) Yield SAD Southern Area District IS 1) Information Security AARP = American Association of Retired People [Snelling . PEMA Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency SENTRI Secure Electronic Network for Traveler's Rapid Inspection (Fast inspection lanes at border; Program which allows low-risk travelers to enter through a dedicated lane at the U.S./Mexico border with minimal or no delay)
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